Animal Control Officer

Certification Training Classes

AACIS certification courses are designed for people seeking certification as an animal control officer, animal cruelty investigator, or shelter staff member. Our curriculum provides our students with the most modern and relevant knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the dynamic fields involving animal care and control.

Animal control officers, law enforcement officers, shelter staff, veterinary staff, prosecutors, and other members of the criminal justice system are our most common students.

AACIS Animal Control Officer

Basic Animal Control Officer

40-Hour Certification Course

The course is designed for people looking to enter the field of animal control or for current animal control officers seeking certification training. This course is also available as a state-specific variation to directly address the state animal laws.

This course is also referred to as Module A

Advanced Animal Control Officer

40-Hour Certification Course

This course is designed to current animal control officers seeking more advanced training in the areas of field operations and is often used by agencies as a pre-requisite for officers transitioning into leadership roles or field training officer roles.

This course is also referred to as Module B

Animal Control Field Training Officer

40-Hour Certification Course

This course is designed to prepare animal control officers for the role of a field training officer (FTO). This course focuses on learning styles, teaching styles, communication, trainee evaluation and more. The course includes an overview to the AACIS Field Training Program which is modeled after the San Jose model for FTO training programs, including the Standard Evaluation Guidelines for Animal Control.

Chemical Immobilization

16-hour Certification Course

This course is designed for law enforcement, animal control, and shelter staff that may need to utilize anesthetic drugs to immobilize an animal for the purpose of capturing it.  This course is offered in a blended-format; 8-hours of training is completed by the student in a self-directed learning environment and 8 hours is completed in an instructor-led face-to-face environment.

Bite Stick / O.C. Spray

16-Hour Certification Course

This course is designed for law enforcement, animal control, and shelter staff that encounter potentially dangerous dogs during the normal execution of their duties. The proper use of bite sticks and oleoresin capsicum spray are vital equipment to help ensure the safety of the employee. This course requires officers participate in physical exercises involving bite sticks and exposure to oleoresin capsicum spray.

AACIS IRT Certification Course

Infrared Thermometry

8-Hour Certification Course

This course is for law enforcement, animal control officers, and shelter staff that need to utilize infrared thermometry technology during the course of their duties. Topics for this class include infrared radiation and how it interacts with the environment, emmisivity, spectral resolution, calibration requirements, and reporting requirements.

Humane Euthanasia Technician

16-Hour Certification Class

This course is for law enforcement, animal control, and shelter staff whose job duties include performing humane euthanasia of domestic animals. This course involves 8 hours of classroom instruction and hands-on practice drills, and 8 hours of clinical work actually performing humane euthanasia procedures on dogs and cats.

Domestic Animal Parasitology

8-Hour Training Class

This course is to designed to train students to know the common internal and external parasites that negatively impact the overall welfare of domestic animals. Topics will include general parasite knowledge, methods of transmission, methods of testing for parasites, treatment, and the best practices in biosecurity.

Basic Disaster Response Training

8-Hour Certification Class

This course is designed to introduce officers to disaster preparation, response, and recovery. Training topics include the disaster process, intro to incident command system, pre-event preparation, deployments, emergency pet sheltering setups, biosecurity and other health considerations, proper cleaning procedures, and shelter breakdown and clean up.

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